Adib Masumian from our elearning group got Kelly Rossi, project manager extraordinaire, to sit down for an interview on her job. In this segment, Kelly talks about special considerations a project manager should make when managing elearning projects.
This is the eighth and final segment of a series of interviews that we conducted with Kelly.
Q: What are some special considerations when managing elearning projects?
Kelly Rossi: I would say that the nuts and bolts are the same, but it really helps to know your players. For example, on an elearning project, there’s instructional designers and there’s production and there’s QA, and they tend to kinda go in that order. I know what an instructional designer does. I know they’re gonna kinda be first up, right? And I know what they’re gonna contribute to the project. Production, I know what they’re gonna contribute to the project. So my expectations are reasonable of each of those individuals because I know who they are within the context of an elearning project and what they do, so that’s helpful for whatever particular area that you are managing projects in.
Next episode: Kelly Rossi: Advice for Managing Projects More Effectively?
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