How to engage all your learners when faced with moving training online?
Training Managers have a lot to do – especially as you have team members moving to working remote, that were in-office last week. How do you continue to address accessibility for your organization’s training program as you move more elements online?
There are things that you’ll be able to do that are not difficult. Ensuring that designers check for adequate color contrast, that acronyms are defined, that images have alt-text are steps relatively easy to do. Some goals are more difficult to achieve: making sure the proper structure is in place for those who use screen readers; incorporating accessibility into development processes, and testing with audiences that include users with disabilities.
Ensuring that training is accessible—just like ensuring usability, effectiveness, and engagement—is part of the training development process. Our team has put together resources and content helpful to training and HR professionals faced with moving training online, such as The Training Manager’s Guide to Accessible Elearning and the Learning Dispatch newsletter. Let us know if you have questions and check back for updates – we are here, ready to support you.
Digital Accessibility Resources

Digital Accessibility Checklist
Ten critical elements to evaluate how well your website and online content meets digital accessibility standards and best practices.
10 minute read

Five Signs Your Website May Have Accessibility Issues
Is Your Website Accessible to Individuals with Disabilities? Here Are Some Simple Tests You Can Run.
6 minute read

Don’t Forget The Documents: Minimizing ADA Accessibility Liability In Online PDFs
From a PDF brochure to a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation of your last shareholders meeting, document files must conform to accessibility standards.
20 minute read
Elearning Resources

The Training Manager’s Guide to Accessible Elearning
Learn more about buying and building accessible elearning. This in-depth article answers common questions and outlines the steps and tools for making elearning accessible for all learners.
30 minute read

Let’s Build Accessible Elearning: Workshop Resources
Today’s elearning development tools have expanded the ability to create elearning activities that will both comply with accessibility guidelines and be engaging and interactive. Workshop resources presented at the CSUN 2020 Assistive Technology Conference
2 minute read

Converting Classroom Training to Elearning (Audio)
A discussion on lessons learned and what it takes to convert classroom training to online learning platforms.
46 minute run-time
Government Resources

Essentials of EIR (Electronic Information Resources) Accessibility
Resources from a workshop for Texas state agencies and public universities for meeting accessibility standards for websites and digital assets.
2 minute read
Contact our Learning Developers
Need to discuss developing e-learning? Creating curriculum for classroom training? Auditing and remediating e-learning for accessibility? Our learning developers would be glad to help.