Accessibility in the News—08/11/16 In this issue of Accessibility in the News (AITN), we have accessibility-related media coverage on the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and accessible websites (senior care providers must comply with new regulations), the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) title II and title III regulations (including a free 8/31/16 webinar to learn more), and innovations (that facilitate camping while using a wheelchair, browsing the web with a learning disability, and interacting with New York city[…]
READ MORE about ACA Requires Accessible Websites; DOJ Implements ADA Rule; Innovations in Hearing Aids, Camping, Reading AppsADA and Real Estate Lawsuits Rise, ACA and Online Accessibility, Job Perspectives
Accessibility in the News—8/3/16 In this issue of Accessibility in the News, we have accessibility-related media coverage of the rise in ADA lawsuits (including online real estate sites), Pokemon and gamers with disabilities, banking, health care, employment, education, and litigation. To receive Accessibility in the News via email, send a subscription request to [email protected]. Agents and brokers at risk of lawsuits over website accessibility 6/29 | Source: inman Real Estate News At the National Association of[…]
READ MORE about ADA and Real Estate Lawsuits Rise, ACA and Online Accessibility, Job PerspectivesHigher Ed Informs Accessible Online Learning, England Plans Tactile Currency
Accessibility in the News—07/16/16 In this issue of Accessibility in the News (AITN), higher education institutions mull over accessible online learning. informing web accessibility standards while also advocating for embracing a broader range of online course dynamics. Meanwhile, the Bank of England is introducing accessible, tactile bank notes for those with visual impairments—adding to other initiatives enabling accessible banking. To receive Accessibility in the News via email, send a subscription request to [email protected].[…]
READ MORE about Higher Ed Informs Accessible Online Learning, England Plans Tactile CurrencyHugo Boss Website Alleged to Violate Americans with Disabilities Act
Accessibility in the News—06/16/16 Does the Americans with Disabilities Act apply to websites? This issue of Accessibility in the News (AITN) provides an example of how inaccessible websites can be subject to litigation. Many are saying that accessibility mandates that apply to brick and mortar stores also apply to retail websites, like the one for this clothing chain. To receive Accessibility in the News via email, send a subscription request to [email protected].[…]
READ MORE about Hugo Boss Website Alleged to Violate Americans with Disabilities ActMobile Apps for Public Safety Organizations – Survey of Common Features
The use of mobile devices has grown significantly in the last few years. In a recent Pew Research report, 46% of respondents said they could not live without their smartphone; earlier research had 44% of respondents reporting that they sleep with their phones. Google has extensively studied mobile search and app use and has coined a new term: “micro-moments.” These micro-moments are defined as “the I want-to-know moments, I want-to-go[…]
READ MORE about Mobile Apps for Public Safety Organizations – Survey of Common FeaturesTaking Control of Your Agency Image – Mobile Apps and Policing
For years, law enforcement was criticized for being a closed and unapproachable society. Studies showed that too often police officials took a “we know what the priorities for public safety need to be better than the community does” approach. It was repeatedly demonstrated that a stunning misalignment existed between agency perceptions of citizen concerns, and actual citizen concerns. The take away for us was that positive and regular interaction with[…]
READ MORE about Taking Control of Your Agency Image – Mobile Apps and Policing