Accessibility in the News—9/8/17. NOTE: To get news like this every week in your inbox, before it hits our website, subscribe to our Accessibility in the News e-newsletter. It’s graphic, ads, and spam free. Just use the sign-up form on this page. Skip to National News (U.S.) | Skip to International News More Accessibility Resources on this Page Accessibility Blogs and Information | Accessibility Statement Pages Accessibility Announcements and Products | Accessibility[…]
READ MORE about Workforce Inclusion: Creating Jobs for Individuals with DisabilitiesParents Striving Towards Universal Design For Children with Disabilities
Accessibility in the News— 08/25/17. Parents are striving towards universal design for their children with disabilities. Universal design focuses on making everything accessible to everyone… “Play day becomes all-inclusive in Olive Branch”… “Target Debuts Sensory-friendly Clothing For Kids”… “Father creates games for visually impaired after daughter loses sight” AITN Quote of the Week “We need to make every single thing accessible to every single person with a disability.” — Stevie Wonder National[…]
READ MORE about Parents Striving Towards Universal Design For Children with DisabilitiesDisability Awareness: How a Telecom Giant, Fashion, Festivals Highlight Needs and Celebrate Empowerment
Accessibility in the News—8/18/17.. Lawsuits can be very effective in bringing about a greater level of disability awareness to the public. GrubHub is certainly more aware of web accessibility requirements now, as is a dentist in Dallas, and anyone of the 275 businesses sued for building access issues. But there are other ways advocates and allies are sounding the call that people with disabilities are integral contributors to our world,[…]
READ MORE about Disability Awareness: How a Telecom Giant, Fashion, Festivals Highlight Needs and Celebrate EmpowermentMobile Applications and Litigation: Why Accessibility is Important and What to Consider before Launching, Part 2 of 2
Mobile App Accessibility Pitfalls, Plus an Intro on Testing for Accessibility. By Sanjay Nasta and Paul J. Adam (About the Authors) This article discusses mobile accessibility best practices. It is adapted from the August 2017 issue of Mealey’s™ Litigation Report: Cyber Tech & E-Commerce. Mealey’s is a subscription-based information provider and a division of LexisNexis. Copyright © 2017 by Sanjay S. Nasta and Paul J. Adam. Any commentary or opinions do not reflect the opinions of[…]
READ MORE about Mobile Applications and Litigation: Why Accessibility is Important and What to Consider before Launching, Part 2 of 2Prioritizing Disability Rights Online, in Travel, and in Building Design
Accessibility in the News—08/04/17Fullcover Last week’s federal regulatory announcement effectively put website accessibility rulemaking on hold. But while some bemoan a lack of guidance from the U.S. Department of Justice, groups such as EDUCause are pursuing meeting the digital needs of those with disabilities on a voluntary basis. Furthermore, many say the lack of federal action doesn’t throw out the business, litigation, or human rights justifications for making sites and mobile[…]
READ MORE about Prioritizing Disability Rights Online, in Travel, and in Building DesignAccessibility in the News — July 28, 2017
Accessibility in the News—07/28/17.. AITN Quote of the Week “Attacking people with disabilities is the lowest display of power I can think of.” — Morgan Freeman National News (U.S.) Lawyers cash in on suits demanding ADA-compliant Web sites July 11, 2017 | Source: New York Post | Lawsuits/Litigation, ADA, Digital Accessibility, Web Design Retailers across the country are getting slammed for operating Web sites that discriminate against the blind or[…]
READ MORE about Accessibility in the News — July 28, 2017Automated Web Accessibility Testing Tools: The Strengths and Weaknesses of Automated Checkers
Checking your website for accessibility? Great! But automated testing tools catch only 10-30% of errors. Learn where they excel, fail, and how to use them. Here’s How to Incorporate Automated Web Accessibility Checkers in a Robust Accessibility Compliance Program This article on automated web accessibility testing tools is reprinted, with updates and changes, from the May 2017 issue of Mealey’s™ Litigation Report: Cyber Tech & E-Commerce. It was originally published as[…]
READ MORE about Automated Web Accessibility Testing Tools: The Strengths and Weaknesses of Automated CheckersUber Accessibility Varies, Food Companies Get Sued for Inaccessible Websites…and Accessible Tech Tackles Laundry
Accessibility in the News—7/21/17. Accessibility news varied widely this week, covering a talking laundry module built by a 14-year-old, a new, tactile £10 note from the Bank of England for the blind and visually impaired, and an attorney suspended for filing frivolous ADA lawsuits. But there were a few themes: Transportation, from autonomous vehicles to Uber, was one. The ride-sharing company faces a lawsuit in New York for not having enough[…]
READ MORE about Uber Accessibility Varies, Food Companies Get Sued for Inaccessible Websites…and Accessible Tech Tackles LaundryMobile Applications and Litigation: Why Accessibility is Important and What to Consider before Launching, Part 1 of 2
Critical Development Considerations for Mobile Application Accessibility By Sanjay Nasta and Paul J. Adam (About the Authors) This article adapted from the July 2017 issue of Mealey’s™ Litigation Report: Cyber Tech & E-Commerce. Mealey’s is a subscription-based information provider and a division of LexisNexis. Copyright © 2017 by Sanjay S. Nasta and Paul J. Adam. Any commentary or opinions do not reflect the opinions of Microassist or LexisNexis, Mealey’s. Why Mobile Application Accessibility? Does mobile accessibility matter? […]
READ MORE about Mobile Applications and Litigation: Why Accessibility is Important and What to Consider before Launching, Part 1 of 2Accessible Design: Legal Actions Amplify Awareness of Need for Accessibility in both Physical and Online Environments
Accessibility in the News—07/14/17. Legal actions and policy are amplifying the need for accessibility in digital and physical environments. Accessible design is enforced by the Americans with Disabilities Act and is important for anyone and everyone to understand because of the necessity for inclusion and disability rights. Some of this week’s top stories on legal action for accessible design include a website accessibility lawsuit in Miami being settled for closed captioning[…]
READ MORE about Accessible Design: Legal Actions Amplify Awareness of Need for Accessibility in both Physical and Online Environments